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Clase de LaTeX para a elaboración de tesis no formato CITIUS.
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Clase de LaTeX para a elaboración de tesis no formato CITIUS.
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Ruben Laso Rodríguez / Thanos
Beerware LicenseThanos (Thread and memory migration Algorithms for NUMA Optimised Scheduling) is a user-space tool that migrates threads and memory pages in NUMA systems to improve performance.
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Repositorio con el código correspondiente a la implementación y las pruebas de la aproximación que se ha presentado en el Trabajo de Fin de Máster de Tomás Benavides Álvarez.
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Notification area icon that shows the room temperature based on both the heated floor and the air conditioner sensors.
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Notification area icon that shows the room temperature based on both the heated floor and the air conditioner sensors.
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Sync Projects maintained only on Github into Gitlab, for operational reasons.
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José María Alonso Moral / SurveyGenerator
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterThis project contains Python code to create a survey for human evaluation